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30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
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Lifetime Free Updates
1-Month Plan
$9.95 $24.95
(Tax Excl.)
  • Automatically renew, cancel any time.
  • All features for 1 PC.
  • License valid for 1 Month.
1-Year Plan
$25.95 $59.95
(Tax Excl.)
  • Automatically renew, cancel any time.
  • All features for 1 PC.
  • License valid for 1 Year.
Lifetime Plan
$39.95 $99.95
(Tax Excl.)
  • One-time fee.
  • All features for 1 PC.
  • License valid for Lifetime.
Family Plan
$59.95 $169.95
(Tax Excl.)
  • One-time fee.
  • All features for 2-5 PCs.
  • License valid for Lifetime.
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Worry-Free Guarantee

We have enabled HTTPs and used SSL encryption to protect your information on the site.
Money-back Guarantee
All orders can get refunds within 30 days under accepted circumstances.
Support Service
For any technical assistance or license code problems, please email [email protected].
Free Updates
You will enjoy the free updates forever after the purchase.

1 Year Plan

$39.95 $79.95

(Tax Excl.)